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Tanasa is a mobile application to track users` calorie intake and plan a diet.

It helps the user to understand how the food they`re eating contributes to their daily calories, macronutrients, and micronutrients and also keeping track of the activity they do.


Role and duration

User research, Content strategy, Interaction design

Team of 2 user researchers, 2 designers and two developers

Aug 2018 - Jan 2019


Identify my client's needs, plan a diet for them and provide a list of foods with their calories is what I used to do as a dietitian. But what a UX designer does is making life easier for users, so I decided to find a solution for them not just on a paper but in a digital world.

I came up with an idea to build a mobile application to help them to track their daily calorie intake and the activity they do and also plan a diet for them.


I followed HCD process by first conducting user research. After synthesizing inspiring insights from interviews, the problem was defined and I jumped right into the ideation phase. I created some early sketches to define user flow and content strategy. High-fi prototypes were created by UX designer and I did usability testing. 


User Research

I conducted research interview with my clients to understand

  • What is the reason they can`t be determined in diet plans.

  • What kind of resources they use to track their calorie intake.

  • How much they are curious about the calorie of foods.             

With these results I put together an empathy map and extracted some pains and gains.



After collecting the recordings from the user interviews I started to write down my thoughts and ideas of how to create an app to fulfil users' needs.

Copy of Empathy Map (6).jpg

Problem vision & solution

From my Ideation and User Research phase, I extracted three value propositions for my app :


  • The user will be able to count their calorie intake.

  • The user will be able to count their burning calorie of activities they do.

  • The user will get a diet plan based on the questions they answer about their eating habits.

  • Users will have a list of workouts to do daily.


After ideation phase and define the users` problems, we started to sketch layouts. Low-fi wireframes have always been a way of thinking with my hand to build empathetic solutions. It is a good way to gather feedback before jumping ahead to detailed wireframes and also helps us to come up with the basic information architecture.


User flow

We came up with mid-fi wireframes to define user flows. Here are some questions we were going to answer :​

  • How can we organise the content to support our users’ goals?

  • Which information should be most prominent? Where should our main message go? 

  • What will the user expect to see on certain areas of the page?

  • Which buttons or touch points does the user need to complete the desired actions?


user flow helped us to determine how many screens are needed, what order they should appear in, and what components need to be present.

mid-fi wireframes.jpg

Content strategy

It was time to create, plan and manage content. We know that the design is a tool which is used to present the valuable content to the users.

At this stage I knew what content I want to offer to the users in the app, so I started to gather the data. It was the most time-consuming part of the project as I needed to collect the calorie of specified foods. 

The data included List of food substances with their calories, list of persian foods with their calories and how to cook, list of some diseases and nutritional recommendations, list of foods with their nutritional value.

List of food substances with their

nutritional information

List of foods with their

nutritional value

List of foods with their

nutritional information

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Screen Shot 2020-03-04 at 4.42.52 pm.png





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